Friday, September 7, 2012

My TRUST is in the Lord

People let you down, but GOD  never does.
People let you down, but GOD NEVER does.
People let you down, but GOD NEVER DOES.

Politics, work, personal life.  I have been let down by people whom I have "trusted."  Reflecting now, I noticed something about this...SHAME ON ME.  I have put my confidence in man....not my trust in the Lord! 

Most of the time this has happened...I hold a dark, deep grudge that sits inside of me.  I have no MERCY for these people...with or without them asking for forgiveness.  It spoils my inner heart.  It makes me afraid to love people have relationships with people again...I hide so I "don't" have to deal with it. 

And what's so revealing about the matter?  I need to point the finger at myself.  I disappoint God.  I mess up.  But, He still loves me. 
Let those who fear the Lord now say,
His mercy endure forever. (Psalm 118:4)
His mercy endures forever...for me...and for others who fear the Lord.

People WILL disappoint us...but that isn't where my trust should be....My trust should be in the Lord. (Psalm 118:8)  We are to love our neighbor as ourselves....not the behavior if wrong...but the person.  When we do that, we CAN pray for them...we can have a softened heart towards them...and we can love just like the perfect example we have...that gave His life for those who treated Him so unfairly...