Monday, December 13, 2010

Full of Faith

Q-Do you BELIEVE in God?

Seems like a pretty simple question, but if your faith was tested, would you be able to stand?

We don't hear God's voice, we don't see him face to face, but yet, we do SEE HIM!

Look at:
  • The design of the universe. Space travel is possible because of the movement; animals have instincts, our bodies are amazing themselves. (Ps. 19:1-2; 139:14; Rom 1:19-20)
  • A Right and Wrong. People believe that some should act a certain way. In fact, it even angers some who claim to be atheists when an act of violence happens (such as murder).
  • Instincts and Belief. Everyone has a craving to serve something or someone. It is in us and was placed there by God Himself (Acts. 17:26-27).

God is FAITHFUL all the time...not some, but ALL. He never lets us down!

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