Monday, March 11, 2013

The Game Plan

My favorite time of the year is here...I am not necessarily talking about the warmer weather approaching, but the time of year I probably spend the most in front of the television.  March Madness! Each team has been preparing for this moment... this build up... to see if they will earn a trip to the big dance.  When the big dance arrives, you will sometimes see Cinderella teams upset lower seeds and someone will be declared the champion. 

Before each game, a team spends time in preparation.  They watch film, look at the next move of their opponents, study them, figure out what defense would best shut down their star player(s).  But when the game comes, if they don't follow the plan, they will lose. 

With all of this said, I can't help but think of the Israelites and their journey to the Promise Land.  Along the way, they had to face several opponents.  One in particular though, didn't turn out the way it should have...The (first) Battle of Ai (Joshua 7:1-5).  Why?  
  • Men came back and reported that there were few men so the Israelites only needed 2 to 3 thousand (were they a little overconfident?  maybe??)
  • You don't see anyone, including Joshua, praying before this battle and looking to the Lord for guidance like in other examples
  • And one particular, didn't obey the plan (Achan) by taking things from Jericho after specifically being told not to
And what happened?  Well, they lost.  They did not do what their Coach had asked them to do....they didn't follow the game plan. 

The Lord provides us with the best game plan of all...and we know who has already been declared the champion---Him. 
  • He gives us a game plan for salvation (Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, and be Baptized).  So often, people want to change that plan.  You may hear, "Well, I asked Jesus into my heart, or I prayed the Sinner's Prayer."  None of those things are the plan that God has given to become a Christian. The book of Acts gives you MULTIPLE accounts of conversions and not one of them includes just a prayer.  ALL involve baptism (immersion of water).  There is not a Sinner's Prayer in God's Word. 
  • You are not "Once Saved Always Saved."  You can mess up.  You can fall from God's grace.  Do I sometimes think that Christians aren't "sure" enough of their salvation.  Yes!  (and boy was I challenged by that this last weekend by Dana Burk at a ladies' weekend).  The last part of the plan is....Live Faithfully.  Noah wasn't sinless, but he was righteous.  He sought out to do what God wanted him to do day in and day out.  We need to strive to do what we are taught. 
God's game plan is the best one of all. If you follow it, you will be declared a champion by having a home in heaven. 

Monday, March 4, 2013


Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression,
But a good word makes it glad.
Proverbs 12:25

I didn't realize how much anxiety had overcome me the past couple of months until Friday afternoon.  That day, a huge weight was lifted off my chest.  I finally felt relieved...everything was out in the open and there are no regrets with the decision I had made. 

The only regret I had was.....the worrying that had overcome me since returning from Christmas vacation.  We are talking a good two months.  It contolled my actions....even my emotions.  And I can't take one day of it back and change it.   I know we all have a human tendency to do this, but why?  God wants us...he wants ALL of us!  Jesus himself even taught on this subject. (Matthew 6:25-27) 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

I definitely did lean on my understanding....not trusting in the Lord.  Take advantage of every opportunity.

 I read a quote that states:
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.- Corrie Ten Boom

How true is that.