Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Perseverance-The Story of Mordecai

Have you ever had just one of those weeks where:
  • Nothing seems to go right
  • You don't feel like you are accomplishing anything
  • You are just "down in the dumps"

I had a word jump out at me while studying for a bible lesson this past week: PERSEVERANCE. defines it as steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

One of the characters in the book of Esther had to persevere through many challenges. Look at Mordecai. He overcame so many difficult times in his life.

  1. He had to raise his cousin's daughter (Esther 2:7).
  2. He had to watch Esther being taken to the women's quarters so she could get "beauty preparations" so that she "might" become queen (Esther 2). I would be nervous about this...a household...full of women wanting to become telling what could happen in there!
  3. Mordecai discovered a plot in which two of eunuch's at the gate wanted to lay hands on the king. He had Esther inform the king in his name and wasn't given anything for it! Talk about a blow to your ego! But, did he let that bother him? (2:17-23)
  4. Mordecai wouldn't pay homage to Haman, which made Haman mad! So, Haman was filled with wrath and decided to destroy all the Jews! Read 4:1-4 in Esther! This upset Mordecai so much that he tore his clothes and put on the sackcloth and cried out in the midst of the city! I think he was under some distress...but did he stop here? NO! He had a plan....Read on in Chapter 4 to find out what it was!

Mordecai never stopped persevering! Troubles came his way, but did he ever stop loving the Lord? Did he ever stop believing in what the Lord could do for him such as saving his people? Mordecai ends up getting the king's signet ring and appointed over the house of Haman since Haman was hanged for plotting against the Jews. (8:2). Keep on keepin' on just as Mordecai did!

In the Sermon on the Mount we learn about the virtue of persevering. In Matthew 7:7-11, we are taught to Keep on Asking...Keep on Seeking....Keep on Finding!

Jesus teaches also teaches us about persistance in a couple of parables.

  • Parable of the Persistant Friend (Luke 11:5-8)
  • Parable of the Persistant Widow (Luke18:1-8)

Read over those this week...when you are thinking that you can't go on, remember, you aren't alone in this! Make God your life and not part of your life! He wants control!

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