Tuesday, June 2, 2009

When Life Hands You Lemons...Make Lemonade

Last week I shared with you some thoughts of King Xerxes and Queen Vashti from the book of Esther. We found out that Queen Vashti didn't do as King Xerxes wanted and now we no longer have a Queen...
UNTIL Chapter 2 of Esther.
Here is a summary (Read in Chapter 2:1-4)
  • beautiful young women are to be brought into the women's quarters under the custody of Hegai the king's eunuch
  • BEAUTY preparations are to be given to them--you know like what we might buy at a store--facials, ect.
  • The young woman who pleases the king will be queen instead of Vashti

Sounds simple, right? Umm...that sounds like a place full of CHAOS to me! The show "The Bachelor" isn't anything new is it? That plot happened years AGO!!

So how does Esther fit into the picture? Read verse 7 of Chapter 2 and you will find out a TON of background knowledge on her. "And Mordecai had brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle's daughter, for she had neither father nor mother. The young woman was lovely and beautiful. When her father and mother died, Mordecai took her as his own daughter."

She is an a beautiful young woman whose parents have passed away and she has been raised by her cousin...Sounds like she has been thrown a LOT of lemons in her life hasn't she? Have you ever had something happen to you that has changed your entire life--loss of family member or friend, a move, divorce, an illness, break-up of boyfriend or you and a friend having a falling out? How do you deal with it? Were you as easy-going as Esther was?

Esther gained favor in the eunuch's eyes (verse 9) as she lived in the women's quarters. Did it say how...no, but do you imagine it was just with how she looked? Probably not. If someone gains "favor" in your eyes it probably isn't just with the outward beauty, but also the inward! The eunuch gave her "extra" beauty preparations and the best place in the house!

**Verse 10 we see something...Esther had not revealed her people or family because Mordecai didn't want her to..What does that mean? Well, she was a Jew. REMEMBER THAT BECAUSE IT WILL BE VERY IMPORTANT LATER ON IN THE BOOK! Tuck it in the back of your memory!!**

We see in Verse 11 that Mordecai loved her as his own daughter! He was pacing back in front of the court of the women's quarters to learn what was happening to her. I think if I was Esther's guardian I would be doing the same thing! She is living in a place with a TON of girls getting beauty preparations for over a year so that they can be presented to the King and gain favor in his eyes so the next queen can be named...You know what happens in a place where a bunch of females are---you know there are more than likely going to be problems!

So, here comes Esther's turn to be presented to King Xerxes...Do you think she was nervous? I imagine she was! But, she went into the king and requested nothing except what the eunuch had advised and she obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her. Not only them, but who else loved her more than all the other women? The KING!! And the crown was placed upon her head and made her queen instead of Vashti! (2:15-19)

Esther had already dealt with a lot in her young lifetime---more than most of us could even imagine....but did she "hate" the world due to the circumstances that surrounded her? NO! It sounds like she took the lemons and made lemonade with them. She relied on God through everything...and we will see that even more as we continue through and see what other lemons were handed her way.

Remember Isaiah 41:10: Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous Hand!

No matter what you are dealing with, God is with you! He will never leave you! Trust Him! Turn the "bad" things in your life to something that is GOOD! Maybe you can help someone else who is dealing with something that has troubled you!

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