Monday, February 25, 2013

Are you full of excuses?

In my occupation (education), I see/hear excuses ALL the time.  Sometimes it is from the student...sometimes it is from the parent.  Sure, things happen every once in a while...but not at a daily rate.

What about in your life?  Are you making excuses?  It seems like it is the easiest way out.  You might say:
  • I am just too tired to go to worship.  I won't pay any attention so I think I will just stay home.
  • I can't serve in that capacity.  God just hasn't given me that ______________ (you fill in the talent there)
  • I can't talk to them about the truth.  They may not talk to me anymore.
Any of those sound familiar?

Making excuses isn't something that just came about in the last decade.  If you go back and read starting in Genesis, you find many accounts of people making excuses: Moses not wanting to go and talk to the Pharaoh or thinking he was able to lead God's people (Exodus 3 and 4).... King Saul and his reasoning for not destroying the Amakelites in 1 Samuel 15...Felix in Acts 24....

I guess that this all comes down to why do people make them in the first place?  Are they scared?  Are they ashamed? 

The fact of the matter is...none of these make/made God happy. 

We are promised that God will NEVER leave us.  Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). Your strength comes from Him.  Do a heart check.  What is motivating you to make excuses?  Is your heart in the right place...or the wrong?

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