Monday, August 16, 2010

Bravery-The story of Jehosheba

You hear of soldiers who display bravery through acts of saving their friends in war, or see our firefighters or policemen risk their lives daily for the safety of others. Bible examples include Esther, Paul, David...and the list could continue to go on.

Today we are going to talk about someone who displayed bravery and ended up helping preserve the lineage of Christ.

2 Kings 11 shows the wickedness of people through idol worshipping to how powerful and in control God is. You have someone in reign, Athaliah, who destroyed all the royal heirs so she could be in control after her son Ahaziah was dead. Little did she know that Ahaziah's sister, Jehosheba, had carefully hidden one of Ahaziah's sons, Joash, safely away into the temple of the Lord. 7 years later with specific directions, Joash was placed as king and Athaliah faced her fate with death, and not a pretty one at that.

When I read this story, a big question came to my mind. Do I fully believe that God is in control? No matter how bad things may seem in my life, or in the world, who is ultimately going to win? Who has already won? Can God move mountains? Can God change lives? ABSOLUTELY! These people in the story never lost faith in God, even when the world around them was so WICKED.

God is in control, but He does expect us to be "brave" and stand up for what is right, whatever the case may be.
  • Do you know what is right? If not, study the WORD.
  • Feeling scared? PRAY!

There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the Lord's counsel-that will stand. Proverbs 19:21

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of food cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33

I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Psalm 16:8

I love the saying, "Do what is right, change what isn't." We, as Christians, have that duty. Make a change and know that God WILL WIN!

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