Monday, August 2, 2010

Who are you?

Whether you want it to be or not, the truth of the matter is that school is here for most of you (or quickly approaching). Some of you will be walking new halls for all sorts of reasons (entering high school, changing schools, moved, ect.) and others will be doing the same ol', same ol'.

Here are a few tips to help your year be successful...

  1. Let your light shine.....You are an influence. You have no choice here. Someone is ALWAYS watching. 1 Timothy 4:12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

  2. Surround yourself with those of same moral values...immodest dressing, drinking/partying, inappropriate language, ect. Does a bad apple really spoil the bunch?? It does....and what about evil company corrupts good habits (1 Corinthians 15:33)?? If you surround yourself with sin, you are going to fall....This is a trick I think Satan uses to deceive you...He makes you think that you are strong enough to surround yourself with "friends" who do these types of things...but you aren't. (If you have connections from previous years that you don't think are healthy--get rid of them!!)

  3. Keep your priorities in check....Believe me, from personal experience I know how easy it is to allow school activities to interfere with your relationship to God...homework, basketball practice, and choir, as well as others take commitment, but you need to decide right now when you are going to study God's Word and take time for prayer EVERY DAY. On top of that note...don't allow it to take you away from worship either.....

Who are you going to choose to be this year?

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