Friday, July 27, 2012

Like Apples on Trees--For the single girls

 We live in a world where beauty isn't viewed biblically.  Perfect hair, perfect teeth, long legs....what "every" girl wants to look like AND what they think "every" guy wants.  Satan uses this.  He sneaks in and lets an extraordinary girl begin to doubt letting her think she is too fat, or too tall, or even too skinny.  This beautiful girl begins to tell herself that she isn't good, she begins to change her ways and adapt them whether in her appearance or her personality, or her language, or even her purity to make her feel accepted.  

But it is empty acceptance.  It won't last. 

There is only one true way to endure your self-worth, and that is looking at yourself the way that your Creator does.  There is nothing that will complete you more than man, no friend, no substance.  Our Lord is the only one who will never disappoint you. 

So, while you are waiting for that "price charming" to come along (and hopefully you made your list--see last week's post for more info), don't allow that roaring lion to get to you!  Use your time wisely.  I love 1 Corinthians 7:34.  And the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband.
Use this "season" of your life to be focused solely on God.  The relationship your build now will be the foundation to your marriage later on.

A friend shared this picture with me today and I thought it couldn't be more appropriate.  When there are those times you are feeling down on yourself because you aren't dating anyone, don't lower your standards.  Make that "brave" guy reach to the top!

Friday, July 20, 2012

What to look for...the list

I had a wonderful group of friends when I was in high school.  Being the typical teenage girls we were, we would dream about "wedding' things and our prince charming.  It was then that we began studying together and were guided by a great mentor on making a list of characteristics we would want in a Christian husband.  We would pray for our future "Boaz," knowing that he displayed the qualities of a man we all wanted to marry.  It would be something that I would hold near to my heart until "he" came along. 

With all that said, the story of Ruth and Boaz never ceases to amaze me. Tragedy....a mother losing her husband and two sons, but a daughter-in-law who gives up everything to move with her....which leads to her finding a remarkable man ( I love that 2:3 states "and she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Boaz")...and a place in the lineage of Christ. 

Boaz was just a good guy (which is why we would pray for our "Boaz").....When studying this book, several qualities jump out at me...
  • He takes care of her every need (Head of the household quality) 2:8-9
  • He noticed Ruth's heart, and not necessarily her outside beauty 2:11-12
  • The Lord has the stronghold of his life (almost every conversation that we can see in His word revolves around the Lord)
  • Very diligent in his decisions and always tries to do the right thing (not full of deceit)  (Chapter 4) 
If you are single and you haven't already compiled a list of characteristics you want your future spouse to possess, I suggest you do it!  Search the Word...find the biblical perspective of marriage, pray about it.  And when you are dating, examine them carefully.  If they do not have the qualities you desire, then move on. 

And if you are wondering....My "Boaz" did come along and I married him 9 years ago.  Did he possess qualities I wanted?  Yes, and so much more!  I am very grateful for him...he is a magnifient husband and father to our two little boys. 

**I want to say "Thank You" to my wonderful sister-in-law for helping me compile thoughts about this topic.  You have great things in store for you :).**

Friday, July 13, 2012

Life Lesson....The Art of Teaching

We were getting settled at a local restaurant and bowed down to pray before the meal.  I don't know how many times my 16 month old had observed this in his short life, but this was the night it clicked.  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed he humbly lowered his head, like he knew what we were doing.  The light switch clicked! For the last few weeks, wherever we pray, he does it too! 

That little act wouldn't have been made possible if we hadn't "taught" him to do that.  Webster defines the word teach as: 
(1) to cause to know something; to cause to know how; to accustom to some action or attitude; to cause to know the disagreeable consequences of some action;
(2) to guide the studies of;
(3) to impart the knowledge of;
(4) to instruct by precept, example, or experience; to make known and accepted
(5) to conduct instruction regularly in

I have a HUGE responsibility when raising my children.....a blessing, but something I do not need to take lightly.  At the point in both of my boys' lives right now, I am their only B-I-B-L-E.  They can't read it for themselves, so I have to really use a combination of definitions 4 and 5:  to instruct by precept, example, or experience REGULARLY (Deut. 4:9, Prov. 22:6).  It will be done by their eyes alone! Seeing me in my personal study, having conversations with them, praying with them.....Even when they are a little older and able to read, I will still be guiding (definition #2) until they fully develop a faith of their own and move out of the house (which will be here before I know it!). 

This HUGE responsibility does come with an example.  The GREATEST teacher walked this earth living a perfectly sinless life.  People flocked to see Jesus. And He taught them...I love how Mark 6 depicts people running there on foot to catch up with Him and because of his COMPASSION for them, HE taught them many things!  Maybe looking at the life of Jesus will help me while I impart the knowledge to my offspring....

And what I want accomplished??
3 John 4  "I have no greater joy to hear that my children walk in truth..."

Friday, July 6, 2012

Life of a mustard seed....

My 4 year old asks around 4 million questions in a day....anyone else's do that?  Thankful for his "critical" thinking skills (there goes the school teacher out in me), but sometimes I have to work on my patience with answering him.

While eating lunch this past week, question number 2,299,012 arose.  "Mommy, how big is God?"  Wow!  That is pretty deep.  I felt like this one needed some careful thinking before I answered it.  I am searching through my brain trying to remember any scripture about what God looks like (we are made in his image), what He may sound like (voice from burning bush).....and then, the buzzer for his wait time must have sounded off.

As sure as he could be and with those big bluish green eyes, he looked up and said, "Mommy, God is REALLY BIG."  He began singing:  My God is so BIG, so STRONG, and so MIGHTY, there's NOTHING my God cannot do!

He was perfectly content with the answer of REALLY BIG.  No fancy statistics to go with it.  I had no need of recalling everything I know to help him understand how big He is. 

My hope for myself:  I want more of the faith of my son displayed. (Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17)

A mustard seed is 1 mm to 2 mm....that is it (if you want to know...the wire to make paperclips is about 1 millimeter thick). Jesus told his disciples that if they had the faith of a MUSTARD seed, they could move a mountain (Matthew 17:20). What a great picture for us to cling to!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Teachers begin the countdown to Friday before students even reach the classroom on Monday morning...

So, since I am one of those, I think I will take that day to publish a blog!  A celebration of the end of a work week for me....  If there isn't one posted....well, CALL ME OUT!  I want the accountability.....

Hope you had an awesome day worshipping God!