Friday, July 6, 2012

Life of a mustard seed....

My 4 year old asks around 4 million questions in a day....anyone else's do that?  Thankful for his "critical" thinking skills (there goes the school teacher out in me), but sometimes I have to work on my patience with answering him.

While eating lunch this past week, question number 2,299,012 arose.  "Mommy, how big is God?"  Wow!  That is pretty deep.  I felt like this one needed some careful thinking before I answered it.  I am searching through my brain trying to remember any scripture about what God looks like (we are made in his image), what He may sound like (voice from burning bush).....and then, the buzzer for his wait time must have sounded off.

As sure as he could be and with those big bluish green eyes, he looked up and said, "Mommy, God is REALLY BIG."  He began singing:  My God is so BIG, so STRONG, and so MIGHTY, there's NOTHING my God cannot do!

He was perfectly content with the answer of REALLY BIG.  No fancy statistics to go with it.  I had no need of recalling everything I know to help him understand how big He is. 

My hope for myself:  I want more of the faith of my son displayed. (Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17)

A mustard seed is 1 mm to 2 mm....that is it (if you want to know...the wire to make paperclips is about 1 millimeter thick). Jesus told his disciples that if they had the faith of a MUSTARD seed, they could move a mountain (Matthew 17:20). What a great picture for us to cling to!

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