Friday, July 27, 2012

Like Apples on Trees--For the single girls

 We live in a world where beauty isn't viewed biblically.  Perfect hair, perfect teeth, long legs....what "every" girl wants to look like AND what they think "every" guy wants.  Satan uses this.  He sneaks in and lets an extraordinary girl begin to doubt letting her think she is too fat, or too tall, or even too skinny.  This beautiful girl begins to tell herself that she isn't good, she begins to change her ways and adapt them whether in her appearance or her personality, or her language, or even her purity to make her feel accepted.  

But it is empty acceptance.  It won't last. 

There is only one true way to endure your self-worth, and that is looking at yourself the way that your Creator does.  There is nothing that will complete you more than man, no friend, no substance.  Our Lord is the only one who will never disappoint you. 

So, while you are waiting for that "price charming" to come along (and hopefully you made your list--see last week's post for more info), don't allow that roaring lion to get to you!  Use your time wisely.  I love 1 Corinthians 7:34.  And the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband.
Use this "season" of your life to be focused solely on God.  The relationship your build now will be the foundation to your marriage later on.

A friend shared this picture with me today and I thought it couldn't be more appropriate.  When there are those times you are feeling down on yourself because you aren't dating anyone, don't lower your standards.  Make that "brave" guy reach to the top!

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