Monday, August 27, 2012

If you can't say anything nice...


This seems like such a simple concept to live by, but the truth of the matter is that most people fall into this trap everyday. Gossip is all around us...the grocery store lines with the latest Enquirer, television shows that have the ins and outs of people's lives, and especially now that we are heading into the election season. 

The consequence:  IT IS NEVER FRUITFUL!  Only hurt comes of it. 

The guilty:  men and women of all ages!  We want to get the scoop on other people. The desire to know their dark side has a way of keeping us from maybe feeling like we are the "bad" people.  You find that women are targeted several times in God's Word regarding this subject...1 Timothy 3:11, 1 Timothy 5:13, Titus 2:3. Men are too (2 Timothy 3:3).  It is everywhere...and it is up to you to stop it!

If it doesn't build someone up, it probably isn't even worth spending your breath OR your listening ear.

Proverbs 20:19 Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.

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