Wednesday, June 2, 2010

And even the Pill Bugs (Rollie Pollies)

Facts About Pill Bugs
(something I know will make you sleep better tonight)
Amazing Fact #1: Pill Bugs (or you might know them as rollie pollies) are the ONLY crustacean to live their entire life on land. They are known for their armor like shell and the ability to roll into a ball.
Amazing Fact #2: They are only about 3/4" and oval in shape.
Amazing Fact #3: Have 7 pairs of legs, antennae, and no wings.
Amazing Fact #4: Vegetarians mostly dieting on rotted vegetation such as vegetables.
Amazing Fact #5: They live in wet locations and are found most of the time under damp objects or organic garbage. If they enter a building, most of the time they will die because of drying up.
Today I went on a nature hike with Jackson at a park here in Murfreesboro. They have a program called "Wild Things" in which they focus on some animal from nature. Today's was a snail (which, did you know they travel at 22 to 23 inches per hour???), so after the lesson we went on a search for them. And where do you find them most of the time? UNDER ROCKS! We picked up every rock on the trail that wasn't covered in poison ivy only to find absolutely no snails. But under every single one of them, we found a ton of rollie-pollies.
Which, brings me to my thoughts tonight.....
God--Our rock, our sustainer. He is there to protect us just like a rock helps to protect the pill bugs. Did you notice Fact #5? They have to survive under damp objects, because if not, they will dry up.
2 Samuel 22:47 The Lord Lives! Blessed be my Rock! Let God be exalted, The Rock of my salvation!
Psalm 31:3 For You are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name's sake, Lead me and guide me.
Matthew 7:24 Go ahead...start singing the know you want to
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Me, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:
Is God your rock? Is he your fortress just like the pill bugs?

1 comment:

  1. Information was taken from
