Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Lion---One of God's fascinating creations

It hit me last week that I don't marvel in God's creation. One of my struggles is praising Him. I catch myself praying all the time for needs or wants, but not thanking him or giving Him glory like I should. So, I am going to work on changing that. Why don't we look at some of his handiworks? I went to a ladies' weekend back in April and several women the first night took an animal and gave thoughts on it. We will begin with one that blew me away.....

A lion---It is a symbol of courage and power. They live in prides (made up of about 15 individuals-5 to 10 females with their young and 2 to 3 males). Their color tends to be yellow, but can possess different tones due to their habitats (deeper depending on vegetation or lighter if in a hotter, arrid climate).
A fact some of you might relate with...they are LAZY! Sleeping or resting occurs at least 16 to 20 hours per day with the rest spent hunting, eating, or protecting territory.....Females do about 85 to 90 percent of the hunting. The lion's pride play well together except when it comes to eating. Each man is out for itself when food is involved. Usually the men eat first, then the women, followed by the cubs.
Together Everyone Achieves More is their motto of catching prey. The pride works together to overtake animals such as wildebeests, buffalos, small elephants, zebras, rhinos, hippos, and giraffes which can provide meals for days. Other's added to the diet include mice, lizards, turtles, warthogs, antelopes, and even crocodiles.
They are SCAVENGES! They take over prey killed by hyenas, cheetahs, and leopards. This provides food for over half of their diet!

This week we are going to examine God's word and what he has to say about lions (which I might add is said to have been mentioned over 130 times). I am intrigued by the images God has created for us by use of the description of this animal.

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