Monday, November 22, 2010

Being Thankful

In most cases, thankfulness is a learned trait. It doesn't come naturally for a lot of us. We have to work at it! It is an attitude, a way of putting others in front of yourself.

Often I am brought back to Jackson (my 3 year old son). I can teach him to say thank you when he receives a gift, or food, or whatever it may be, but does he really understand what those words mean? Sometimes, with the light in his eyes and a close hug right behind, I believe he does. It's a way of showing gratitude.

You know, our God deserves our thankfulness. He is the one responsible for every good and perfect gift we receive (James 1:17). He is the one who sent His only son to die for us so that we can have the gift of eternal life with Him (John 3:16) !

In everything you do, you should give thanks to HIM! (Colossians 3:17)

It is extremely easy to get caught up in WANT, WANT, WANT, but that shouldn't be our attitude! Instead, it should be GIVE, GIVE, GIVE! That is what a thankful heart looks like! Look at the gifts we receive from God DAILY!

Your challenge this week...make a list! Start a list of the blessings that God has provided for you. Keep it close! When you have those days where your attitude is not the way it should be, pull it out and see the goodness and grace of our Creator!

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciated this post, Leigh Ann... and I miss that 3-yr-old son of yours! =]
