Monday, November 8, 2010

A Frightening Influence...Part 1

The influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behavior in order to conform to group norms....

You know...


It can influence the way you dress, the entertainment you see/listen to, trying drugs/alcohol, disobedience to parents, and......

It's scary isn't it?

The book of Daniel has 3 great examples for us to see how some stood up to peer pressure. They didn't go with the norm.

Daniel 1-The Case of the Unclean Food
Daniel and his friends wouldn't eat the food they knew they weren't to partake, after some talking with the chief official, they were allowed to eat nothing but vegetables and drink water. Turns out, they ended up being healthier and better nourished than any other of the young men there!

Daniel 3-The Case of the Golden Idol
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego wouldn't bow down to the gargantuan idol...and faced consequences for it. They were thrown into a fiery furnace only to be saved by our powerful God!

Daniel 6-The Case of the Lion's Den
Later on, a decree was made stating that no one could pray to any man or god for 30 days. This didn't stop Daniel! He continued to open up his windows, set his eyes toward Jerusalem and pray 3 times a day! He had to face the consequences by being thrown into the lion's den, but our powerful God again shut the mouths of the lions and he lived!

These boys stood up...and so can you! Next week we will look at ways you can

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